quark-gluon plasma

  • 网络夸克胶子等离子体;夸克-胶子等离子体;夸克-胶子等离子体
quark-gluon plasmaquark-gluon plasma
  1. Study of high-energy heavy-ion collisions found quark-gluon plasma of this new material forms will help us better understand confinement , a crucial feature of QCD .


  2. The study of the nuclear equation of state and of quark-gluon plasma ( QGP );


  3. Final State Distribution and Signal of Quark-Gluon Plasma in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions


  4. The Finite-Temperature Field Theory is widely used to investigate the property of quark-gluon plasma .


  5. To study the physics of Quark-Gluon Plasma needs large hadronic colliders of extremely high energy .


  6. Dissipative Processes and the Evolution of Quark-gluon Plasma


  7. Brief status on quark matter ( quark-gluon plasma ) both in theoretical and in experimental fields are reviewed .


  8. At extremely high temperature or density , the nuclear matter will transit into Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP ) state .


  9. Quark-Gluon Plasma Model and the Three-Fire-Ball Model


  10. The results can be used to assess the possibility of attaining the quark-gluon plasma phase as well as to discuss its diagnosis .


  11. These results maybe have a reference value to the LHC experiments in the future , especially to exploring the quark-gluon plasma .


  12. It is a very important way to explore the formation and evolvement of quark-gluon plasma by studying the quarkonium production .


  13. The Hadronization Phase Transition of Quark-Gluon Plasma


  14. Test of quark-gluon plasma by two-pion interferometry


  15. The results of our calculation suggest that the requirement of the softening to the initial condition in quark-gluon plasma is higher than we have thought before .


  16. At RHIC , the biggest surprise was that the quark-gluon plasma , instead of being a gas , acts like a perfect liquid .


  17. There are many ways to diagnose signal for quark-gluon plasma , such as direct photon , dilepton enhancement , strangeness enhancement , J / suppression and so on .


  18. The quark-gluon plasma has been studied in great detail at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ( RHIC ) at Upton , New York , which smashes gold ions head-on .


  19. Besides the formation of quark-gluon plasma , there are many mechanisms in hadron environment which lead to J / suppression . Therefore it is necessary to study the contribution of hadron environment to the suppression .


  20. Lattice QCD calculations predict a phase transition from hadronic matter to a de-confined , locally thermalized Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP ) state at high temperature and small baryon density .


  21. The semi-classical kinetic theory and the imaginary time formal finite temperature field theory are used to study the medium effects of Quark-Gluon Plasma ( QGP ) and the spectral function of p meson under the hot / dense hadronic environment , respectively .


  22. The quark-gluon plasma evolution is described by relativistic hydrodynamics with the equation of state of entropy density . The two-pion Hanbury-Brown-Twiss ( HBT ) correlation functions are calculated using quantum probability amplitudes in a path-integral formalism .


  23. An energy density of the order of a few GeV / fm2 may be achieved . This energy density of nuclear matter in equilibrium , may favor the formation of new forms of matter such as the quark-gluon plasma ( QGP ) .


  24. To explore the signals of quark-gluon plasma ( QGP ) phase transitions and the properties of heated and compressed nuclear matter transiently appeared in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is the hot topic in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics .


  25. the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .
